I see you looking. You're thinking, "Who is this amazing woman who is going to change my life?"


Hi! I'm Gwen.

I help frustrated, unsupported and overwhelmed neurodivergent people design a SO NOT TYPICAL life plan that allows them to thrive and shine in business, work, relationships and LIFE!

How do I know how to do this?

Well, let's start with my 45 years of experience living the life of a neurodivergent woman! I know the educational and social trauma that comes with not knowing why things are3 SO EASY for everyone else. I know what it's like to try to pretend to be normal by someone else's standards only to let my weirdness leak out when I least suspect it. I know how hard it can be to try to fit my star peg into a round hole only to let the ends break off.

At 21 years old, my life changed forever.

I was one of the few lucky women to get a diagnosis of ADHD. Finally, my life made sense. Why did I feel so different? I WAS DIFFERENT!!! My brain was designed differently. I see and experience things differently. That difference is valuable and amazing!


I found my calling. I wanted to put the world on notice that people like me are valuable and worthy. So, I studied and studies and studied as I developed my career.

For 25 years, I've been a professional working with neurodivergence in some capacity. I've been a SEN teacher, a parenting coach, a relationship therapist, a MSc in Occupational Psychology, a therapist and coach trainer, a corporate speaker, an activist and so much more.

Get results like these

Gwen made me feel comfortable straight away, and it’s obvious she has an abundance of knowledge.

She makes the sessions feel positive (regardless of the subject matter!) and i always leave feeling really hyped up. I feel safe with her and find myself saying things out loud I wouldn’t expect- that is because I trust her and she makes the sessions feel like a safe space.


Working with Gwen has been a game-changer for me. I engaged her to support daughter as we navigate emotional overwhelm, coping strategies and ADHD diagnosis. I have also worked with her in a parenting coach capacity . Our house had reached boiling point. I didn’t know where to go or what to do to move through the cycle.

I have learned so much and feel like a more measured and ‘able to cope’ parent, as well as understanding my own behaviours and finding comfort in that.

Gwen is really warm and fun, but there is no denying her knowledge and experience, which, for me makes for the perfect Coach! She is someone we refer to in conversation within the family – but in the way that we take a moment to slow down and connect with what we have learned, rather than reach for ‘Gwen’ for the answers.


As a couple, we were falling apart. We couldn't figure out how to talk to each other. Someone was always getting their feelings hurt and someone else was always being defensive. Gwen helped us understand how to communicate in a way that my ADHD and their Autism could understand. It's amazing! Life is so much better in every aspect. We each get what we need and benefit from the other's strength. If you are wondering how to have a better relationship without neurodivergent shame and with neurodivergent appreciation, run...don't walk to get Gwen's next appointment.


I am here and ready to help you take control of your


Are you:

  • Ready to figure out what works for YOUR brain?

  • Ready to know what thriving looks like for YOU?

  • Ready to feel motivated and make decisions based? on what YOU want?

  • Ready to be seen and understood for who YOU are for the first time in your life?

  • Ready to change YOUR SO NOT TYPICAL LIFE


What's really important is that we work well together.

Here's how we can work together.

© Copyright 2022 So Not Typical